Oleńka |
Wysłany: Czw 19:41, 31 Maj 2007 Temat postu: |
Tu sa slowka z artykulu, mozliwe, ze nie wszystkie, bo czego nie moglam znalezc. No i nie jestem stuprocentowo pewna czy wszystkie definicje sa ok. Wolalam jak Bakowska nam podawala slowka w takiej kolejnosci jak wystepuje w tekscie, bo jak sa alfabetycznie, to mi sie ich nie chce szukac. I jakiegos slowa nie moglam znalesc i podalam najblizsza forme ktora znalazlam.
a range of a number of people or things that are all different, but are all of the same general type
accumulation graduall increase in numbers or amount until there is a large quantity in one place
ailment an illness that is not very serious
beaker a glass cup with straight sides that is used in chemistry for measuring and heating liquids
blockbuster a book or film that is very good or successful
cachet sth what is thought to be very good or special
collective shared or made by every member of a group or society
deforestation the cutting or burning down of all the trees in an area
efficacy the ability of something to produce the right result
egregious extremely bad and noticeable
established already in use or existing for a long period of time
foremost the best or most important
in concert with together after having agreed on it
n conjunction with working, happening, or being used with someone or something else
knobby round (bulwiasty, jak to po angielsku zdefiniowac?)) lush looking healthy and strong
marauder person or animal whomoves around looking for something to destroy or kill
notorious famous or well-known for something bad
be on the cusp of to be at the time when a situation or state is going to change
partition a thin wall that separates one part of a room from another
posterity all the people in the future who will be alive after you are dead
remedy a medicine to cure an illness or pain that is not very serious
sprout a new growth on a plant
be intent on/upon o be determined to do something or achieve something
buzz with activity to be a lot of activity
jab at to push something into or towards something else with short quick movements
mine to exploid
pending not yet decided or settled
place a strain on sb pun on sb a worry that is caused by having to deal with a problem or work too hard over a long period of time
pore over to read or look at something very carefully for a long time
safeguard to protect something from harm or damage
scroll to move information on a computer screen up or down so that you can read it
treatment something that is done to cure someone who is injured or ill
trove a group of valuable or interesting things or pieces of information, or the place where they are
tweezers a small tool that has two narrow pieces of metal joined at one end, used to pull or move very small objects
unprecedented never having happened before, or never having happened so much
unsustainable unable to continue at the same rate or in the same way
A to z tablicy:
broaden to include more people, ideas, activities etc, or to make sth to do this
embrace to put your arms around someone and hold them in a friendly or loving way
pragmatic dealing with problems in a sensible, practical way instead of strictly following a set of ideas
associate to spend time with someone, especially someone that other people disapprove of
come up with to think an idea, plan, or replay
be bound to be very likely to do or feel a particular thing
brainchild an idea, plan, organization etc that someone has thought of without any help from anyone else
set up to start a company or organization
turn back to to return to doing something in the way it was done before
nosiness a feeling of wanting to find out more about other people
off-shoot something such as an organization which has developed from a larger or earlier one
spoof a funny book, play, or film that copies something serious or important and makes it seem silly
convict someone who has been proved to be guilty of a crime and sent to prison
inmate someone who is being kept in a prison
boast to talk too proudly about your abilities, achievements, or possessions
eager ery keen and excited about something that is going to happen or about something you want to do
venture a new business activity that involves taking risks
pursuit an activity such as a sport or hobby, which you spend a lot of time doing
Plus byly jeszcze:
candlelit dinner
3 minutes flat
to sweep through
Ostatniego nie moglam znalezc (tzn. znalazlam kilka definicki i nie wiem ktora wybrac) a pozostale stwierdilam, ze umiem i nawet mi sie nie chce wypisywac definicji.
Pozdrawiam w przerwie miedzy uczeniem sie historii i psychologii (za opisowa sie jeszcze nie zdolalam zabrac i nie wiem kiedy to zrobie).
Ja chyba faktycznie ma sklonnosc do brania na siebie za duzo |